Predictable Fee Schedule Effective January 1, 2019 Will County Board Resolution 18-285
Will County Recorder
158 N. Scott Street* Joliet, IL 60432
815/740-4637 * Fax 815/740-4638
Predictable Recording Fees
55 ILCS 5/3-5018.1 County Resolution 18-285
Effective Date: January 1, 2019
Standard Documents………………………………………………....................................\.....................................................……………………. $51.00
- Document legibly printed in black ink, by hand, type, or computer - signatures and dates may be in contrasting colors if they will reproduce clearly
- The document shall consist of one or more individual sheets measuring 8.5 inches by 11 inches, not permanently bound and not a continuous form. Graphic displays accompanying a document to be recorded that measure up to 11 inches by 17 inches shall be recorded without charging an additional fee
- The document shall be on white paper of not less than 20-pound weight and shall have a clean margin of at least one-half inch on the top, the bottom, and each side. Margins may be used for non-essential notations that will not affect the validity of the document, including but not limited to, form numbers, page numbers, and customer notations
- The first page of the document shall contain a blank space, measuring at least 3 inches by 5 inches, from the upper right corner
- The document shall not have any attachments stapled or otherwise affixed to any page
- Document contains up to five Property Identification Number (PIN) references
- Document contains up to five related document number references
RHSP Exempt Standard Document…………………...........................................................................................................................………… $41.00
Non-Standard Document …………………………………………............................................................................................................………. $72.00
Any Document that does not conform to the requirements listed under the “Standard Document” description above.
- A document that includes legal-size (8½” x 14) pages unless those pages are exhibit drawings or plats
- A document with six or more Property Identification Number (PIN) references
- A document with six or more related document number references
- PLATS as a standalone document – plats must be at least 11” x 17”, but no larger than 30” x 36” (misc. plats, easements, dedications, etc…)
RHSP Exempt Non-Standard Document………………..........................................................................................................…………………… $62.00
- The $10.00 Rental Housing Support Program Surcharge does not apply to documents recorded by a Federal, State, or local government agencies.
Uniform Commercial Codes…………………………………………………........................................................................................................…. $46.00
Includes original filing, Amendments, Assignments, Continuations or Partial Terminations
Uniform Commercial Codes Termination…………................................................................................................................................................... $33.00
Plat Documents (Subdivisions and Condos)…………………..........................................................................................................……………….. $97.00