APLD - Anti-Predatory Lending Program

Anti-Predatory Lending Program

In accordance with 765 ILCS 77/70, Predatory Lending Database Program Expansion to Will, Kane & Peoria Counties, effective July 1, 2010, the recording of any new loan on real estate dated or executed (signed) on or after 7-1-10 will require either a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Exemption be attached to the document. If there is no certificate attached or the information on the certificate does not match the document, it will be rejected by the Recorders Office.

“In addition, if any lis pendens for a residential mortgage foreclosure is recorded on the property within the program area, a certificate of service must be simultaneously recorded that affirms that a copy of the lis pendens was filed with the Department.”

For more information or if you have any questions regarding the Anti-Predatory Lending Program, please contact the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations (IDFPR)

Email: service@ilapld.com
Phone: 888-455-2753 (1-888-ILL-APLD)
Fax: 904-421-7159

Additional Resources:

Illinois Anti-Predatory Lending Program
List of documents that require a certificate (PDF)
Affirmation of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Lis Pendens (PDF)
Private Lending Exemption Certificate Information